The Answers to Your Most-Asked Questions:

This class does not use hypnosis, nor does Nancy practice hypnosis.
The entire curriculum is based on free-will participation.
As Nancy frequently tells her students, "God gives you free will; I do not take that away from you."
"Open Classes" are listed when they are open to anyone wishing to participate.
"Closed Classes" are those arranged and sponsored by specific agencies/groups for specific participants.
Not all classes are listed at the Programs page due to privacy issues, or when requested by organizations sponsoring closed classes.
Contact Information
Emails may be sent to: info@blessingsfound.net
Or, use the form provided below:
The InnerTeen CD is available at no cost to students in court-ordered programs ONLY.
The CD also can be purchased immediately after classes (open, adult or first responder programs) at a discounted price; or purchased at full price by emailing Blessings (see contact information).
Should a student forget to ask for one after release from a detention facility, they can ask their court representative to request one on their behalf.
DO NOT use the InnerTeen contact information
as it is no longer valid contact information.
This book is available as
a soft cover book for $17.99,
and as an e-book for $4.99.
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