mrs. neal's not-so-conventional Nancy teaches her program for youth to a wide variety of groups at various locations. She is called upon by teachers, ministers, and other youth leaders who recognize the value in this safe and natural stress management technique. Nancy’s students respond well to her, and to the meditation class. Self-respect, personal responsibility, and self-control are always encouraged in her class. Nancy states, “I tell my students that it is their choice to participate to their level of comfort. God gives us all free will; I don’t take that away from them. "Many of my kids have had no control over anything in their lives, so I stress to them that they stay in control throughout this entire experience. I explain that they get to choose their personal path and are responsible for that path.” Youth programs encourage students to "think." Each class begins with a lesson, offering students something to ponder. Lesson plans include: The Mind-Body ConnectionPhysiology / Science Behind Meditation Development of the Teenage Brain Meditation as a Form of Prayer Power of the Subconscious Mind Tapping into Creativity Visualization and Achievement of Goals Health & Nutrition - Healthy Body/Mind Moral Compass - Who Sets Yours? Stress Response / Relaxation Response Symptoms and Effects of Stress Lateral / Creative Thinking Exercises Respect of Each Other's Personal Path How We Impact Each Other's Lives Meditation to Improve Sports Performance and more!
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Programming can be customized for any particular group or need. All classes begin with a "thinking" lesson, and end with a 20-minute guided meditation. A class CD, InnerTeen One of the more popular programs is the Visualization/Focus Workshop for Athletes (Youth or Adult) This workshop enhances athletic performance through utilization of visualization, brain-mapping and mind-body connection techniques. This program is offered to individuals or groups and can be customized for the particular needs of the students. It also benefits musicians, artists and other creative groups.
Youth Programs include "Closed Classes" Nancy volunteers her time several times a month at several juvenile detention centers and a few other facilities for youth. These special classes for at-risk youth began in September 2004 and have continued on a regular basis ever since (e.g., at least two classes are held every other week at one juvenile detention center, and at least one class per month at other juvenile facilities). Nancy and Joe work with youth groups, schools, church groups, sports teams and individual athletes, musicians,first responders, police academy students, and other groups with special requirements.
Nancy's faith and her passion
This CD – which complements her class – also is available for sale through The Blessings Foundation. Proceeds from the sale of this CD help to fund Nancy's "Free CD" program. |
The Blessings Foundation Wellness Programs for first responders students of police/fire academies teachers athletes (all ages and levels) businesses/organizations |
A Valuable Program for FIRST RESPONDERS Joseph Mahan was highly instrumental in developing this program which has been offered to all Basic Peace Officer Academies at Edison Community College in Piqua since 2006. From his 30 years of experience in law enforcement, Joe Mahan has first-hand knowledge of the types of stress first responders experience. Mahan completed his Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice, doing his thesis – "Recognizing the Causes and Effects of Stress on First Responders, and Methods of Safely Managing Stress" – on stress in law enforcement. During the course of his research, Mahan came to realize stress is indeed alive and well in the first responder arena. First responders see the best and the worst mankind has to offer. Studies have shown that first responders are among the most highly stressed groups, and often have difficulty asking for help in dealing with the stress in their lives.
Mahan's professor had the following to say about the thesis: "This paper can certainly be used to develop policy, make policy changes, used for training, and also be used for further research and study – Michael R. Lewis, Professor,
A retired police officer comments on stress management "I was always a person who moved 100 mph until my injury stopped me in my tracks. When my nerve pain couldn’t be healed my doctor sent me to a meditation specialist ... it truly did help to learn how to relax and ease the stress that just added to the problem. "Wouldn’t it be great if every agency had a policy that included such training for their officers and staff? How many heart attacks would that stop every year?" – Richard Neil, |
A Valuable Program "Critical or Violent Incidents in The Workplace –- Led by Joseph Mahan, the class is given information on how to recognize a crisis which could include a natural disaster, robbery, serious injury, assault, workplace bullying or any act of violence. Mahan explains not only the signs of a potential crisis, but also explains what might trigger an incident. He then leads the class through actions to take for both natural and man-made incidents, and covers steps to help assess and prevent such incidents. Mahan explains the steps for recovering from a workplace emergency, and how to deal with the stress and other after-effects, including the use of meditation for stress management. A modified version of this program has been presented for the Edison Community College Business and Industry's Professional Development course offering, and has been very well received by participants each time it has been presented. If enough time is allotted, a relaxation exercise will be included at the end of the program. |