
News from my publisher:

"Please be informed that your book was included in this year's Balboa Press Fall 2015 Catalog.
You may view an electronic copy of the catalog at (here) "

(My book is listed
on page 16)

How cool is that!

Here's what you'll find inside: 

(click on images)



mrs. neal's not-so-conventional Meditation Class for Teens


My book is now available

for students to read online!

Check it out:


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My book is available for sale!

You can purchase a soft-cover copy

directly from me (and autographed for free!)

email me -- mrsneal@blessingsfound.net

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A couple of places in this area also have copies for sale:

Natures Path — 308 S. Dorset Rd., Troy, OH

Readmore's Hallmark 430 N. Main St., Piqua, OH